What can Help Me Deal with the Physical and Emotional Burdens of Caregiving for a Loved One

Listed below are a series of senior care recommendations dealing with caregiver concerns, both physical and emotional.

◊ Do not allow the person in your care to take unfair advantage of you by being overly demanding.

◊ Live one day at a time.

◊ List priorities, decide what to leave undone, and think of ways to streamline the work.

◊ When doing a long, boring task, use the time to relax or listen to music.

◊ Find time for regular exercise to increase your energy (even if you can only stretch in place).

◊ Concentrate on getting relaxed sleep rather than more sleep.

◊ Take several short rests to get adequate sleep.

◊ Set aside time for prayer and reflection.

◊ Practice deep breathing and learn to meditate to empty your mind of all troubles.

◊ Realize your own limitations and accept them.

◊ Claim time for yourself.

◊ Allow your self-esteem to rise because you have discovered hidden skills and talents.

◊ Make sure your goals are realistic – you may be unable to do everything you could before.

◊ Keep your nutrition balanced – do not fall into a “toast and tea” habit.

◊ Treat yourself to a massage.

◊ Keep up with outside friends and activities.

◊ Spread the word that help will be gratefully received and allow friends to help with respite care.

◊ Delegate jobs to others. Keep a list of tasks you need to have done and assign specific ones when people offer to help.

◊ Share your concerns and dilemmas with a friend.

◊ Join a support group, or start one (to share ideas and resources).

◊ Use respite care when needed.

◊ Communicate openly and honestly with people whom you feel should do more to help.

◊ When you visit your own doctor, be sure to explain your caregiving responsibilities, not just your symptoms.

◊ Allow yourself to feel the emotions you feel without guilt. They are natural and very human.

◊ Unload your anger and frustration by writing it down.

◊ Let yourself cry and sob.

◊ Know that you are providing a very important service to someone you love.

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